Packed into a bus we now travelled 4 hours from Worthing to Norwich where they are celebrating their 125th Banding Anniversary as well! What a great Salvation Army tradition and fellowship we have.
Those whom we had met as strangers on Friday we now left as friends – another example of our marvelous fellowship.
We drove through rain – an educational experience for those from the great Southwest – through the Dartford Tunnel and on through beautiful English countryside with the tress just starting to change colours (they are English trees hence the spelling!)
We arrived in the “Fine City” of Norwich home of two magnificent cathedrals, many great old churches, an ancient market place and a Starbucks! Norwhic was also the destination of the original “nine days wonder” but as few Americans seem to have heard of it we will pass on.
The Citadel building is a magnificent example of the early day Army auditorium. It was dedicated in 1892 – a year prior to the opening of the work in Arizona to give a perspective.
We were warmly welcomed by the CO and the leaders of the band being given brochures, maps and a CD of the local band which has on it much marvelous music and a contribution from the writer of today’s blog. After free time we were taken to a “carvery-style” restaurant. Leaving was a challenge in many ways. Our magnificent coach driver, Tony, had been slightly blocked. Help was given by members of the band who lifted the blocking vehicle out of the way. No names!
Here in Norwich we have been joined by Andrew Blyth, the UK’s Assistant Music Director, who will be with us until the weekend.
The evening concert, in the presence of the Anglia Divisional Commander, was played to a near capacity crowd of highly appreciative people. During the interval this writer met a man who over 50 years ago had begun in the learners’ class on the same day back in the Chatteris, Cambridgeshire Corps. We’re still waiting for John Docter to miss a note!
After the festival it’s back to more wonderful hospitality in the home of fellow Salvationists.